Kremlin: Ukraine must not use NATO weapons to hit Russian territory

Post Content
2024-05-30 17:09:23

Post Content
2024-04-24 15:10:12

The pro-Kremlin troll and the false Sydney attack claims

Simeon Boikov sparked a social media frenzy implicating an innocent 20-year-old in the shopping mall attack.
2024-04-16 05:06:51

BBC Russian journalist branded 'foreign agent'

A leading science journalist - Asya Kazantseva - also gets the label used to silence Kremlin critics.
2024-04-13 01:06:20

Kremlin eyes failed Ukraine peace deal as basis for new talks

Post Content
2024-04-12 19:08:01

Kremlin welcomes former German leader's Ukraine war offer

Post Content
2024-03-28 17:13:12

Kremlin says Russia in 'state of war' in Ukraine

Post Content
2024-03-22 14:09:53

Shapps abandoned Ukraine trip over security - MoD

The defence secretary was warned the Kremlin was aware of his travel plans, reports say.
2024-03-17 04:06:44

What Russians are being told about Putin's re-election

Despite the guaranteed result, the Kremlin is keen to make the election appear legitimate.
2024-03-15 02:07:36

Putin could get 82% of vote, says Russian pollster loyal to Kremlin

Post Content
2024-03-11 19:09:04

Putin could get 82% of vote, says Russian pollster loyal to Kremlin

Post Content
2024-03-11 18:08:18

Ukraine: Russian general 'blown up on mine'

Several pro-Kremlin sources reported Maj-Gen Vladimir Zavadsky's death, but his location is unclear.
2023-11-30 19:08:24

Kremlin reacts to Zelenskyy's statement on Ukraine's right to kill Putin

Post Content
2023-11-21 16:09:34

Kremlin critic Navalny arrested after landing in Moscow

2021-01-17 20:06:06

Kremlin brushes off Western calls to release Navalny

2021-01-19 14:06:53

EXPLAINER: Why Navalny is a thorn in the Kremlin's side

2021-01-22 09:05:59

Kremlin says Putin ready for dialogue if U.S. willing

2021-01-24 14:05:53

Kremlin: US comments on protests support law-breaking

2021-01-24 16:05:58

Russia Navalny protests: Kremlin hits out at West as it downplays rallies

Western nations have criticised "harsh tactics" against protesters supporting Russia's opposition leader.
2021-01-24 23:05:57

Top Kremlin Diplomat Says ?Nyet? to Russian Vaccine

2021-01-28 16:05:51

Moszkva: elindult a tárgyalás Navalnij három és fél éves börtönbüntetéséről

A moszkvai városi bíróságon tartott tárgyaláson vizsgálják meg kedden a szövetségi börtönhatóság indítványát, mely letöltendő börtönbüntetésre változtatná Alekszej Navalnij felfüggesztett büntetését. Az orosz állami hírügynökség szerint a nagy médiaérdeklődés miatt helyezték át a tárgyalást a Moszkvai Városi Bíróság épületébe, mert az eredeti helyszínen nem volt elegendő a hely az újságíróknak. Alekszej Navalnijt, Vlagyimir Putyin elnök legismertebb kritikusát január 17-én tartóztatták le az orosz határon, miután visszatért Németországból, ahol az oroszországi idegméreg-mérgezése után kezelté...
2021-02-02 11:05:44

Why jailing Navalny may mean more problems for Putin

The Kremlin's tough tactics could backfire, with the opposition leader's jail term fuelling protests.
2021-02-04 03:05:57

Biden leaves Republicans behind to fast track $1.9tn bill

The White House brushes off an ex-Biden adviser's warning the package could destabilise the economy.
2021-02-06 04:05:55

Kremlin rebuffs European court's demand to free Navalny

2021-02-18 19:05:57

Russia launches satellite to monitor climate in Arctic

Russia launched its space satellite Arktika-M on Sunday on a mission to monitor the climate and environment in the Arctic amid a push by the Kremlin to expand the country's activities in the region.
2021-02-28 15:05:39

Russia launches satellite to monitor climate in Arctic

Russia launched its space satellite Arktika-M on Sunday on a mission to monitor the climate and environment in the Arctic amid a push by the Kremlin to expand the country's activities in the region.
2021-02-28 16:05:45

Kremlin meets Russian protesters with fiercest crackdown in years

Thousands of people in Moscow and across Russia who took to the streets Sunday were met with the harshest show of force the country has seen in recent years.
2021-02-28 16:05:46

Kremlin meets Russian protesters with fiercest crackdown in years

Thousands of people in Moscow and across Russia who took to the streets Sunday were met with the harshest show of force the country has seen in recent years.
2021-02-28 16:05:46

Russia launches satellite to monitor climate in Arctic

Russia launched its space satellite Arktika-M on Sunday on a mission to monitor the climate and environment in the Arctic amid a push by the Kremlin to expand the country's activities in the region.
2021-03-01 03:05:52

Russia launches satellite to monitor climate in Arctic

Russia launched its space satellite Arktika-M on Sunday on a mission to monitor the climate and environment in the Arctic amid a push by the Kremlin to expand the country's activities in the region.
2021-03-01 03:05:52

Megint elszállították Navalnijt, nem tudni, hogy hova

Ismeretlen helyre szállították a börtönbüntetését töltő Alekszej Navalnijt a vlagyimiri régióból ? tudósít a Reuters orosz politikus ügyvédjének közlése nyomán. Navalnijt január 17-én Moszkvában őrizetbe vették, amikor hazatért Berlinből, ahol kórházi és rehabilitációs kezelést kapott, miután több nyugati laboratórium egybehangzó szakvéleménye szerint augusztusban Oroszországban megmérgezték. Február 2-án egy moszkvai bíróság letöltendőre változtatta a Navalnijra az úgynevezett Yves Rocher-ügyben korábban kiszabott felfüggesztett szabadságvesztést. Az ítélet értelmében Navalnijnak a korábban ...
2021-03-12 14:06:42

Russia reacts angrily after Biden calls Putin a 'killer'

The Kremlin has reacted angrily to US President Joe Biden's remarks that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is "a killer," calling the comment unprecedented and describing the relationship between the two countries as "very bad."
2021-03-18 13:05:42

Russia reacts angrily after Biden calls Putin a 'killer'

The Kremlin has reacted angrily to US President Joe Biden's remarks that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is "a killer," calling the comment unprecedented and describing the relationship between the two countries as "very bad."
2021-03-18 21:05:44

Russia reacts angrily after Biden calls Putin a 'killer'

The Kremlin has reacted angrily to US President Joe Biden's remarks that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is "a killer," calling the comment unprecedented and describing the relationship between the two countries as "very bad."
2021-03-18 21:05:45

Alexey Navalny Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts for some background information about Russian opposition leader, Kremlin critic and activist Alexey Navalny.
2021-03-19 09:05:43

Alexey Navalny Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts for some background information about Russian opposition leader, Kremlin critic and activist Alexey Navalny.
2021-03-19 09:05:44


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